Cryptocurrency Exchange

We have included this third-party cryptocurrency exchange so you can easily convert a large range of crypto pairs, without the need for an account. Conversions are fast and simple, and there is No KYC.

As per our Privacy Policy, Jays n Dees does not collect any personal information from these exchanges.
Please also ensure that you have read, and understand the Privacy Policy of the Crypto Exchange.

You can do your conversions from here:

..or here..

How to use this Cryptocurrency Exchange:

Performing crypto exchanges here is a very easy process.

  • Choose the type of crypto you would like to exchange FROM, and enter an amount on the left hand side. You are able to choose from a small number, but if the currency is not listed, type it into the provided box and select it from there.
  • Next, from the right side, select the type of crypto you would like to exchange TO, and the amount is automatically calculated.
  • If you are happy with the amount, proceed to the next step by clicking on the START EXCHANGE button.
  • You will be required to enter your receiving address into the next step. The best way to do this, is by performing a copy and paste procedure with your TO address. Double check it to confirm correctness, and once satisfied, click the Next button. Ensure if a memo or note needs to be entered to also add it before clicking Next.
    Here is also a great time to familiarise yourself with the cryptocurrency exchange Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. As part of the exchange, you will need to agree to these.
  • On the next page, you are given a crypto address to send your deposit to. This step will wait patiently until it receives the deposit and the transaction is confirmed. It will then automatically convert your cryptocurrency, and then send the result to the exchange TO address provided. There is nothing else you need to do from this point, except to check your receiving wallet after a period of time to ensure the transaction completed.

Notes for Exchange

Generally, an exchange will take around 5 to 10 minutes to complete. This can occasionally extend to an hour under extreme circumstances.
If the transaction takes more than this time, or it fails and you do not receive your refund, please Contact Us so that we can look into it. Alternatively, you can create a Suppport Ticket with the 3rd Party Exchange. Remember to collect any supporting information so that it can be provided when necessary.

No wallet addresses or transaction data is collected or stored by